Drip Bar Disposable E-Cigs – Pack of 10
Drip Bar Disposable E-Cigs (10-Pack)
Apple Crush– Apple
Banana Ice– Banana | Menthol
Blue Stix– Blueberry | Pixie stick
Cola Ice– Cola | Menthol
Cotton Clouds– Cotton Candy
Grape Ice– Grape | Menthol
Lush Ice– Watermelon | Menthol
Lychee Ice– Lychee | Menthol
Mango Ice– Mango | Menthol
Melon Chews– Melon | Candy
Melon Peach Rings– Melon | Peach | Candy
Mint– Mint
Orange Soda– Orange Soda
Peach Ice– Peach | Menthol
Pina Colada Ice– Pineapple | Coconut | Menthol
Red Apple Ice– Apple | Menthol
Sour Apple– Sour Apple
Strawberry Ice– Strawberry | Menthol
Watermelon– Watermelon
1.6mL Of E-Liquid
280mAh Battery
400+ Puffs